A complete brand and website refresh for one of the most respected names in comics

UI design
Social media graphics
Software used
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Sketching a logo
I began by sketching ideas for a logo direction for TCJ. I tried both geometric solutions and fluid, hand-done solutions.
Because is renowned for its longform interviews with world-class cartoonists, I landed on the concept of the quotation mark and tried a couple of directions using different stylistic iterations of it.

Evolution of the final logo
The final logo began with a negative space rendering of the letter C, and evolved into an interlocking lightweight gothic typeface.

The Fantagraphics Tombstone and the TCJ Shield
Because TCJ is a sister company to indie comics publisher, Fantagraphics, I decided to explore a visual “wink” to the company. The Fantagraphics logo, spearheaded by Jacob Covey, features a tombstone enclosing shape, and the TCJ shield functions as an upside-down version of that tombstone. Subtle, but satisfying!

Color and pattern exploration

The TCJ website
In addition to developing the branding for TCJ, I worked closely with the developer to create components for the website and determine how to implement the branding throughout the UI.
The site includes a features page, a blog, reviews, and an archive of thousands of articles published over several decades.


UI kit